Before you scream 'Blasphemy!' and never speak to me again, hear me out. I have my reasons.
As you should know by now, my man has been gone since mid-May. Reason #1 for wanting summer to be over. He returns soon, but nearly at the end of the summer.
And along with Reason #1...Reason #2 is simply that I am tired of killing spiders, moths, and all other sorts of creepy, crawly, send me flying out of the room bugs. I know he gets a kick out of my lively bug-slaying stories, but I'm seriously tired of avoiding certain corners, windows, doors, or rooms because of the itsy-bitsy monsters that plague me. I'm one tough cookie, but when it comes to anything spider-like, moth-like, or just plain creepy-crawly-like, I'm an up-on-my-tip-toes, balancing-on-the-counter-top, wielding a shoe or a broom, kind of gal. However, give me a vacuum cleaner and I can suck those blood-suckers up, just give me a minute to shriek and squirm.
But back to my main point.
I'm more of a mild-weather gal. I don't like extreme cold and I don't like extreme heat. I prefer my temps to stay within 70 and 80 degrees. None of these triple digit days. No, thank you.
And, I do prefer fall to all other seasons. While I do enjoy summer, once August hits I start pining away for pretty colored leaves, a warm sweater to hug my shoulders and a new pair of boots to walk around in the crisp autumn air. I've wrote about how much I love fall, before. Nothing's changed.
So bring on football, crunchy leaves, pumpkins, wearing socks, and most importantly, bring my man home! Summer, I'll greet you with much more love next year, but see ya later!
I'm sure there are a gazillion of you out there that strongly disagree with me. Well keep your flip flops on, we still have weeks of warm summer-like weather, no doubt.
And speaking of summer, mine sure was a busy one. Which explains the cobwebs I had to dust off of my blog. Figure of speech. There are no cobwebs in internet space.
I worked a lot at my new job, which I am loving. And I worked out--in the gym--a lot, too. With Craig gone, I spent most of my days at work and then still at work but working out. I've been a running, cycling, stair-climbing, weight-lifting, all around gym rat. And I've loved that too. I feel pretty great too. I look a little different as well. Slimmer, fitter, and happier. I don't have any before/after pics to prove it so you'll just have to take my word for it. And after a summer of sweating it out in the gym, here's my advice: make a goal and stick to it. There were many days I felt that I wasn't getting anywhere. But then I'd catch myself lifting more weight, running farther or faster, feeling stronger, and then all of a sudden, looking fitter. And another big part was my diet. You can't reach a fitness goal without equal parts hard work and a good diet. I adapted a new motto along the way, too: The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen.
I also got a little crafty. Painting, staining, gluing, modge-podging, and enjoying it! The next time I do a project, I will blog about it. I truly admire those of you that do these DIY projects all the time. I did about five in one weekend and they wore me out!
And of course, I was able to see my Mountain Man again, making it two whole weekends together since he left in May. My countdown is coming to an end as we enter single-digit days until he is home. And he and I couldn't be happier.
I hope you all had a fabulous summer and continue to enjoy the warm weather and end of summer fun. I'll be silently, or not so silently, cheering the upcoming change in seasons.
Goodbye summer and helllooooo fall!
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