Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hangin' Up My Walkin' Boots

I knew this day was coming. I just didn't know when or what would be the reason.

As of this post, I will no longer be blogging at "These Boots Were Made for Walkin'".

As you know, I love my writing hobby. I adore it. And don't worry, I'm not giving it up. I'm actually expanding it. I'm taking it to the next level.

I'm working at writing a book. Oh jeez, I've said it and now I HAVE to do it! Well, I'm already waist-deep in this particular project and there's no looking back now.

But here's the thing, I still love to blog. I love the carefree attitude I can have with it. I love the feeling of accomplishment it brings to my life. So I've created a new blog. One that more accurately fulfills my needs as a blogger and hopeful author.

When I started this blog I meant for it to be a fun project, one that I'd use to share my adventures, travels, and fun. In all honesty, I'm too busy for traveling and most of my adventures are, as you are well aware of, with my Mountain Man hiking on some mountain or searching for antlers.

This blog isn't a fresh start, it's the next step. A step that I'm hoping, praying, and crossing my fingers, that leads to a published, successful book. But at this point, I'd settle with published. I'd even be happy with just 'book'.

I want to thank you all, my faithful and spontaneous followers, who have read, smiled, laughed, and cheered me on since my first blog post. This has been a wonderful, humbling experience. Your comments, Facebook likes, and support have meant so much to me. I remember well the night I sat down to put together this blog, the nerves and excitement I felt, the anxious thrill of hitting "Publish" and seeing my words out there for everyone to see. I've opened my life up to you and I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making me feel so safe and welcome. It has meant the world to me. And I hope you continue to follow me in the next leg of this journey.

You can continue reading at my new blog;

Thank you all. All of my love.

Erica. Always the cowboy boot wearin' gal.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! So excited to see where your journey takes you. You are the one who inspired me to start mine, and I am so thankful and happy that I did. Xoxox
