Vegas, here I come.
I got a text from Mandy, mid-May. It simply said: Hey, wanna go to Vegas for my birthday?
My answer was something like this: OMG! YES! ABSOLUTELY! WHEN? LET'S GO!!!!!!!
Or maybe that's an exaggeration but it does accurately describe my excitement for going to Vegas. You see, I like to have fun. No wait, I really like to have a lot of fun. I love to be social and I love to get away from work. So I signed up on the spot for a trip to Vegas in mid-July. Now it's finally here. We leave tomorrow after work for Seattle where we fly out of on Thursday morning.
Am I ready? Actually I'm still a little tired and worn out from last weekend. Am I packed? Nope, still need to do laundry too. Am I set to miss two days of work this week? Not quite yet, but working on it. It's a little stressful. But am I excited and ready to get out of town for a few days? Absolutely.
I haven't been on a plane in quite a while. The last time was when a friend and I spent our college spring break in New Orleans gutting houses for families after Hurricane Katrina. That was during the spring of 2006. Prior to that I was seventeen when I flew to Hawaii by myself to play in a volleyball tournament with girls from across the country. And the time before that, which was my first plane ride, was with my family on a trip to Disneyland.
So I haven't had much plane-riding experience and many things have changed since my last flying excursion. But I'm not worried. What I am worried about it is spending too much money. Have I mentioned I loved to shop? Well if not it's a slightly well known fact that I have a lot of clothes and shoes and I am hungry for more. Although I do my best in giving to a good cause with some of my old or lesser-worn clothing...ask my friends. I have clothed so many of my friends over the years that I ought to start running a business out of my closet.
But back to the spending concern. The truth is, I have been to Vegas before. After that trip to Hawaii I previously mentioned, my parents picked me up at the airport in L.A. and we drove to Vegas to visit family over the 4th of July. I was seventeen, in Vegas with my parents and little brother. Although I absolutely loved the time spent with my family, including my aunt and uncle, I knew I wanted to come back someday when I was old enough to really enjoy Vegas. But let me just say this, as a small town seventeen year old girl with my parents practically controlling my wallet, I had the urge to shop and spend all day. I couldn't get enough. So now, at 25 without my parents with me and a whole wad of will I control myself?
How about rent and bills and credit card payments that will be waiting for me when I get back? Oh and the gas money that I burn through every day driving back and forth to work. Or the money I need to spend on groceries when I get back? Oh yeah, that's how I'll control my spending. The friendly little reminders waiting for me back home that annoyingly reinforce the fact that my bank account is not overflowing with cash. And neither is the millionaire boyfriend that I have yet to meet.
So here's my plan: spend as little as possible while doing as much as possible during my three-ish days in Vegas and have something to blog about when I get back. I did say I'd take you with me wherever I go. I'll take lots of pictures and have lots to say about my trek to sin city and back. Hopefully without too much sin and that I do make it back.
This girl doesn't need her own version of "The Hangover". That's for sure. But what I do need is a good vacation. Aka: some time spent by a pool with a Margarita in my hand.
Someday I plan to go back to Vegas when I don't have to stick to a budget. Maybe it'll be when I meet my millionaire boyfriend. Although I know that's not true. This simple, country girl will always prefer dirt to diamonds. Well, most of the time anyway.
Like I said. Vegas, here I come!
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