Friday, January 27, 2012

We have an Adventure List.

The mountain man and I are doing great.

Before I dive in to a ridiculously long and obnoxious list of why he is so wonderful, let me just say that a man that enjoys cooking, doesn't sit glassy-eyed in front of the television for hours on end, believes in a good work ethic, enjoys hard physical labor, is always on time, has given me nothing but a million reasons why I can trust him with my ever so fragile and wary heart, makes me laugh until I can't breath, and looks like a model even with all that hunting camo, with the most beautiful blue eyes and smile....wait a minute, I'm doing it aren't I?

What I mean to say in not quite so many words, is that I have truly found a man that is good to me and good for me. This boot walkin' girl has been stopped dead in her tracks by a sometimes shy, but as she knows him, a goofy, strong, highly animated when story-telling, honest, hard working, loving, man.

And I feel that my lone boot walkin' days are over. Which is perfectly and completely fine by me. Especially since we eat good food--he's teaching me how to cook and I'm actually eating regular meals--and we enjoy being active, being outdoors, and are insanely happy just to be together.

For those of you rolling your eyes and gagging...get over it. I've waited a long time to be this happy.

But enough of the rainbows and puppies. The newest update is that we have an adventure list. What is an adventure list,? A list of places we want to go and things we want to do over the next two years. Not that the adventure ends's just as far as our list goes.

Our list contains hiking, rafting, camping, hunting and all the adventurous things my Mountain Man has primarily been doing on his own before I came along. I'm thrilled that he wants to include me into this area of his life. He's ecstatic that I want to go. We're both a little wary of how it will go. Yes, I'm outdoorsy. But if we were comparing our outdoorsy-ness, I would be like the family dog that likes to run and play in the outdoors and enjoy the occasional family camping trip, venture to the river or casual hike. He would be like the wild bear that lives off of nuts and berries and roams around like he owns the wilderness. My feelings for him won't change, even if he drags me up a cliff while I complain about my feet or my back or the weather or how fast he wants us to go.

Which is why we will start out small and work up for the longer hikes and bigger climbs. Besides, I plan to be in very good shape.

Sidenote: I am beginning training for my first half marathon. So yes, I should be in very good shape. Even though running and hiking are different and require different muscles. But at least I'm not going from the couch to the mountain. 

I've never had an adventure list before. No, I take that back. I've always had a list of things I wanted to do and see. And up until he came along I've been going about life, checking things off and adding new items to that list. Now, with my Mountain Man at my side, I have a new list to conquer.

I still have my own list, such as running my first half marathon. And things I want to do with others, such as take another girls trip to Vegas, or go to Ireland with my mom, as well as other things I was to accomplish on my own. But I'm so glad to have that adventure list with him.

And as for the adventures we've already had, I've learned one thing:

Happiness is definitely not overrated.

And for the adventures to come from that list with the Mountain Man, there will be plenty of fun stories to tell, so stay tuned.