Hello readers.
I have a confession to make: I have been suffering from commitment issues with my blogging. It's not the blog, it's me. I've taken it for granted, not utilizing it for my creative expression as I was when I started. But as much as I've temporarily drifted away from "These Boots Were Made for Walkin' ", I could never really walk out on it.
I love writing. I love this blog and what it meant to me when I began and what it means to me now. Every time I take the time out of my busy life to sit down and write a new blog post, I feel better, feel less stressed, and more like my fun, honest, and sassy self. So why the trouble to commit to a regular blogging routine? Life is busy. Life is fun. Life is oh so wonderful that I rarely find myself sitting down for any duration of time, unless I'm at work.
But I do love my blog. And as true love goes, I will stick with it through the ups and downs of blogging. If you need me to say it, I'll say it. I vow to have a renewed and consistent commitment to blog. I will not let a week go by without a new blog post. Even if I write five words on what kind of shoes I wore that day. Which we all know would be well over five words. But here's to second chances. And a million new blog posts.
I've been up to a lot in the last month. I moved, which I did tell you about. I got sick twice--which wasn't any fun, so we won't go into any more detail about it. I set myself up for a monthly budget so that I can start saving more money--not that my financial details are really any of anyone's business but my own, but I would definitely encourage everyone to do this. I developed horrible spending habits while I was in college and am still paying for it. There is no better time than now to give yourself a budget, put down the expensive shoes/dress/jeans/purse you really don't need, freeze your credit cards into a giant ice cube that you keep in the freezer, hidden behind the frozen peas you never eat, open a savings account with Jamie Weber at US Bank in the CUB on the WSU campus, or go through your stuff and haul it to your local consignment shop. There are plenty of women who would love to wear those Seven jeans you don't wear but keep anyway, just because you someday might fit into them. Or those platform heels you wore once, to a wedding three years ago, that you keep because you bought them on sale. If it doesn't fit or you haven't/won't wear it, there are great consignment shops these days that will help you sell your stuff.
Alright, I'll get off my soapbox.
Speaking of boxes, Craig and I built a garden box this last weekend. It was a beautiful weekend of warm weather and plenty of sunshine. We definitely soaked it up. It was the first weekend in a long time that we didn't make plans to go anywhere and just stayed in Moscow to get things done and enjoy the weekend. We walked downtown Moscow, just to browse through the stores. Only a Mountain Man would have lived in Moscow for years and never known what downtown was like. So we began our weekend with introducing Craig to downtown Moscow and having a great time at it. Then we moved on to cleaning his old apartment and getting materials ready for our Sunday project. And then, after a full morning and afternoon, just as it was starting to cool down a bit and the sun gives off a less bright and more golden of a glow, we hopped on our bikes and went for a ride. Bikes as in bicycles, in case I made it sound like we have a pair of Harley's we get around on. Which we don't.
Flying onto the Paradise Path, which runs from Moscow to Troy, it was the perfect time of day. Racing each other, riding side by side, talking, laughing, and probably swallowing a few bugs, it was the perfect end to our day. Besides the amazing, mouth-watering burgers we made when we got back. It definitely was a great Saturday. And then came Sunday. I'd like to say we but I really must give all the credit to Craig for building me/us a garden box with storage for firewood underneath. It was once a bed, turned into a bench for his ammo reloading, and has now transformed into quite the deck accessory. On top I have a large space for a garden. Veggies can grow and be picked for many of our homemade meals while firewood is stored below for the winter.
A great weekend is usually ruined by a Monday morning that rudely came to quick. However, this Monday morning I was so happy that I really didn't mind that it was Monday. If only all weekends ended that way.
Hope your week is going well! Another weekend is nearly half way here!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Move #13
If the title didn't clue you in, my recent big news is that I'm moving. Not too far away from where I am now and nothing life altering. In fact, this move is supposed to be a good change. I will be closer to work, driving less, spending less, and the man and I will be closer together. Where am I moving to? Moscow, Idaho and in to a nice little condo. Which brings up some exciting changes.
1. I will become an Idaho resident. I wasn't too sure how I felt about this at first. I've been a Washingtonian my entire life. But is being an Idahonian really any different? I guess I'll have to let you know. One thing is for sure, Craig sure is excited. I get to hunt in Idaho this year, which is reason enough to be very excited if your are my Mountain Man.
2. I am moving into a condo. The most grown-up, non college student type of dwelling I have lived in on my own since moving out of my parents house, eight years ago. I'm very excited about this.
3. I have my own washer and dryer. This alone is cause for ME to be very, very happy.
4. I have a back deck with a great view of the sunset. A personal favorite thing to do: watch the sun set while enjoying a glass of wine. Summer, why aren't you here yet?
5. I can go home for lunch. This, my friends, is quite a big deal for me. You might be quite surprised to learn that I have taken up cooking. Yes, this also calls for the attention of an entire blog post and maybe even my boyfriend on video eating and enjoying my meals, I'll work on that next. But I'm still not so great at planning my weekly lunches ahead of time. And driving back home for lunch just isn't worth it. So now, two minutes away from work, I can eat healthier and save money by going to my own home during my lunch break. No more excuses for a last minute lunch.
6. I'll be closer to my boyfriend, who already lives in Moscow. But to be fair, he spends way more time driving over to my house than I do going to his. We both agreed my old place is a little more girlfriend-friendly, which unfortunately for him, that means more driving back and forth. But now, at the new place in Moscow, we'll be less than two miles apart.
7. A new place, even though I've been working in Moscow for almost two years, is always fun to discover. I'm looking forward to getting to know my new town even more, especially over the summer.
8. I'll only be eight miles away from Pullman. I'll always hold a special place in my heart for Pullman. And the people I love that live here. With my best friend still in Pullman, I won't really stay away for too long.
9. I threw away a lot of stuff I don't need that I've acquired since I last moved! I'm the queen of tossing things out. So much so that I accidentally just threw out my new debit card I received in the mail a few days ago. Whoops.
10. Hmmm....not sure what number ten was supposed to be. But I'll just say that I'm excited to move and find a new place to call home. As I'm packing up my little apartment, the one I came to when I moved back to Pullman, the one I've lived in for almost two years and have learned so much about life, love, friendships, forgiveness, loss, and myself. This little apartment has been a comfort, a safe and cozy place, and a good thing to come home to after a long day at work. It's been my home gym, seen boyfriends come and go, my very first full size Christmas tree, Jersey Shore nights with Mandy, winter nights where I watched endless snow flakes fall from the sky while sitting on my kitchen counter, feet in the sink, with a glass of wine. Summertime trips and adventures with Jamie when I'd come through the door, tanned skin, messy river-water hair, with sand in my flip flops. And most recently, it's where I first met my Mountain Man when he picked me up on our first date. It's the teeny-tiny kitchen where I really learned how to cook and started to enjoy cooking. It's been a lovely place to call home and I'm going to miss it. But I'm looking forward to my new home and all of the memories that I will make there.
Sometimes I get so darn sentimental. Who knew moving from an apartment to a condo could bring out my nostalgic side. Although really, what doesn't bring that out of me?
I'm really pretty excited about the new place. Did I mention there is enough room for a dining room table?!
11. Dining room table. I'm looking forward to meals at a table, not standing in the kitchen or with my plate on my lap, sitting on the couch.
Now if only this "spring" weather doesn't snow or rain on us while we move.
I moved in almost two weeks ago. Craig, myself, and a UHaul made the move in one day. After what seems like a billion cardboard boxes, trips back and forth from Pullman to Moscow, and LOTS of organizing, I have settled in to my new home and am very happy with it. Even if the box springs to my queen size bed and large armoire dresser didn't quite make it up the stairs. I'm thinking of creative ways to turn them both into living room furniture. Totally joking. Those *%$@ pieces of furniture are going up the stairs in pieces if they have to.
1. I will become an Idaho resident. I wasn't too sure how I felt about this at first. I've been a Washingtonian my entire life. But is being an Idahonian really any different? I guess I'll have to let you know. One thing is for sure, Craig sure is excited. I get to hunt in Idaho this year, which is reason enough to be very excited if your are my Mountain Man.
2. I am moving into a condo. The most grown-up, non college student type of dwelling I have lived in on my own since moving out of my parents house, eight years ago. I'm very excited about this.
3. I have my own washer and dryer. This alone is cause for ME to be very, very happy.
4. I have a back deck with a great view of the sunset. A personal favorite thing to do: watch the sun set while enjoying a glass of wine. Summer, why aren't you here yet?
5. I can go home for lunch. This, my friends, is quite a big deal for me. You might be quite surprised to learn that I have taken up cooking. Yes, this also calls for the attention of an entire blog post and maybe even my boyfriend on video eating and enjoying my meals, I'll work on that next. But I'm still not so great at planning my weekly lunches ahead of time. And driving back home for lunch just isn't worth it. So now, two minutes away from work, I can eat healthier and save money by going to my own home during my lunch break. No more excuses for a last minute lunch.
6. I'll be closer to my boyfriend, who already lives in Moscow. But to be fair, he spends way more time driving over to my house than I do going to his. We both agreed my old place is a little more girlfriend-friendly, which unfortunately for him, that means more driving back and forth. But now, at the new place in Moscow, we'll be less than two miles apart.
7. A new place, even though I've been working in Moscow for almost two years, is always fun to discover. I'm looking forward to getting to know my new town even more, especially over the summer.
8. I'll only be eight miles away from Pullman. I'll always hold a special place in my heart for Pullman. And the people I love that live here. With my best friend still in Pullman, I won't really stay away for too long.
9. I threw away a lot of stuff I don't need that I've acquired since I last moved! I'm the queen of tossing things out. So much so that I accidentally just threw out my new debit card I received in the mail a few days ago. Whoops.
10. Hmmm....not sure what number ten was supposed to be. But I'll just say that I'm excited to move and find a new place to call home. As I'm packing up my little apartment, the one I came to when I moved back to Pullman, the one I've lived in for almost two years and have learned so much about life, love, friendships, forgiveness, loss, and myself. This little apartment has been a comfort, a safe and cozy place, and a good thing to come home to after a long day at work. It's been my home gym, seen boyfriends come and go, my very first full size Christmas tree, Jersey Shore nights with Mandy, winter nights where I watched endless snow flakes fall from the sky while sitting on my kitchen counter, feet in the sink, with a glass of wine. Summertime trips and adventures with Jamie when I'd come through the door, tanned skin, messy river-water hair, with sand in my flip flops. And most recently, it's where I first met my Mountain Man when he picked me up on our first date. It's the teeny-tiny kitchen where I really learned how to cook and started to enjoy cooking. It's been a lovely place to call home and I'm going to miss it. But I'm looking forward to my new home and all of the memories that I will make there.
Sometimes I get so darn sentimental. Who knew moving from an apartment to a condo could bring out my nostalgic side. Although really, what doesn't bring that out of me?
I'm really pretty excited about the new place. Did I mention there is enough room for a dining room table?!
11. Dining room table. I'm looking forward to meals at a table, not standing in the kitchen or with my plate on my lap, sitting on the couch.
Now if only this "spring" weather doesn't snow or rain on us while we move.
I moved in almost two weeks ago. Craig, myself, and a UHaul made the move in one day. After what seems like a billion cardboard boxes, trips back and forth from Pullman to Moscow, and LOTS of organizing, I have settled in to my new home and am very happy with it. Even if the box springs to my queen size bed and large armoire dresser didn't quite make it up the stairs. I'm thinking of creative ways to turn them both into living room furniture. Totally joking. Those *%$@ pieces of furniture are going up the stairs in pieces if they have to.
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